Missing Middle “Building Cornwall’s Floating Offshore Wind Industry”

The pipeline of floating offshore wind (FLOW) projects in the Celtic Sea is now one of the three largest in the world. The Crown Estate’s (TCE) plan1 is to that over 4.0GW of floating offshore wind (FLOW) capacity be deployed in the Celtic Sea by 2035, and a further 20GW by 2045. The associated total investment, of over £100Bn, represents the single largest economic development opportunity in the Celtic Sea region for decades. The key to maximising the associated regional economic benefits will be to maximise regional work capture, routinely described as local content.

This report seeks to address these issues. The title Missing Middle has been chosen for two reasons. First, it accurately describes the gap in industrial capacity. Second, it describes what we judge, on the basis of the study’s evidence, to be the missing connection between, on the one hand national policy planning and, on the other hand regional industrial development: in particular, the lack of a comprehensive integrated package of policy interventions designed to match the future demand for components and services in Celtic Sea FLOW projects to the regional industry’s capabilities, capacity, and competitiveness, and thus its ability to meet this demand.

Click here to read the Missing Middle

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