Data Sharing Opportunity to Support Floating Offshore Wind

Celtic Sea Power are seeking to create regional characterization models of known environmental and physical characteristics to help build a sound evidence base for future decision making as part of the Cornwall Floating Offshore Wind Accelerator project. Areas under current consideration include the wind and metocean resource, birds and marine mammals, eDNA, geophysical conditions and the subsea acoustic environment.

Celtic Sea Power aim to share summarized data reports through an online data portal, due to be live on our website in November 2022.tente gonflable cube

This opportunity will be available to all interested parties on the terms set out in a data sharing agreement and will allow access to the raw CSP underpinning data on the basis of sharing equivalent data which can improve the veracity of regional models, improve the evidence base and improve decision making.

For more information, follow the link below.

This is part of the Cornwall Floating Offshore Wind Accelerator project part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

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